Wilson Combat EXPERIOR 1911 Pistols – First Look
Wilson Combat EXPERIOR series pistols are a unique blend of classic 1911 design with modern reliability and ergonomic enhancements that optimize overall handling and shooting performance.
The Wilson Combat EXPERIOR Series, a modern-day 1911-style pistol lineup, is offered in a variety of configurations in 9mm and 45 ACP. (Photo courtesy of Wilson Combat)
December 11, 2019
By Guns & Ammo Digital Staff
The Wilson Combat EXPERIOR, a modern 1911 pistol series, takes the lead as the most fully-optioned lineup they offer, showcasing nearly every tactical, functional and cosmetic option as a standard feature.
The foundation of every EXPERIOR 1911 pistol is their in-house produced match-grade slide, frame and barrel all perfectly machined and hand-fitted by skilled gunsmiths for a lifetime of top performance. The EXPERIOR retains traditional 1911-style slide serrations, fixed Wilson Combat battle sights, and the classic 1911 extractor design to achieve a look that honors tradition but retains high performance.
All EXPERIOR models feature the new Wilson Combat TRAK grip texture-a hybrid, large asymmetric, flat-top checkering pattern, offering an exceptional, non-abrasive grip without snagging on cover garments. The TRAK grip pattern on the frame and grips offers comfort while enhancing recoil control.
All single-stack EXPERIOR models feature WAVE frame rail-clearance cuts for lower friction operation in adverse environments. The WAVE clearance cuts hold lubrication and ensure that your pistol will smoothly cycle even when caked with excessive fouling, sand or grit. A new EXPERIOR barrel-locking lug design on the 9mm models has a reduced, forward-locking surface to further enhance cycling in adverse conditions or with reduced power loads without sacrificing accuracy or durability.
Single stack EXPERIOR models are available in 9mm and 45 ACP chamberings in a variety of sizes from a 6-inch long-slide variant, 5-inch traditional full size, 4.25-inch Commander, 4.25-inch Commander Compact, 4inch Compact and the smallest 1911 handgun Wilson Combat builds, the 3.5-inch barrel Sentinel in 9mm only.
EXPERIOR 9mm models, compatible with the proven reliability of the high capacity EDC X9 magazine, will be offered in 5-inch full size, 4.25-inch Commander, 4.25-inch Commander Compact and 4-inch Compact slide versions.
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eXperior Full-Size