May 15, 2020
By Richard Nance
Modularity makes the AR platform perfect for those who prefer to do things themselves. Real Avid’s AR15 Armorer’s Master Kit ($250, ) contains everything you need to build or personalize an AR. Inside are the punches and picks you’d expect to find, but even these details are optimized. The two-sided picks are made of plastic, meaning they won’t mar a gun’s finish. And like every tool in this kit, these tools snap into its own slot in the case.
The 10-pin punch set features the typical assortment of tips and are organized in two plastic sleeves. The roll-pin starter features a flat side, enabling it to rest flush against the lower receiver when removing or installing the bolt catch. There’s a plastic non-marring punch, as well as plastic tweezers labeled “Pin Alignment Tool.” They will securely hold any AR-15 pin.
In addition to a rubber-handled handguard removal tool, a torque wrench displaying a graduated scale up to 200 foot-pounds (ft.-lbs.) is supplied. It even lists the appropriate torque for tightening a muzzlebrake (30 ft.-lbs.); castle nut (40 ft.-lbs.); and barrel nut (30 to 80 ft.-lbs.). It attaches to the kit’s master wrench, a combination tool that serves as a barrel nut wrench, castle nut wrench and a hammer. For the hammer, there are rubber, polymer and brass heads that can be screwed to the master wrench. The handle stores replacement heads of each.
When working on any part, the better you can brace it, the cleaner your work will be. The AR15 Armorer’s Master Kit contains a lug-lock vice block, a smart-fit vice block, and a master bench block. Each securely hold your AR-15 components in place for easier maintenance.
The lug-lock vise block is designed to secure an AR-15 upper into a bench vise, while the vice’s star chamber locking lugs line up with the barrel’s. This, combined with the supplied retaining pins and the upper receiver lock-knob, enables us to secure the upper receiver in place at various angles.
The smart-fit vice block secures the lower receiver into a bench vice. It is inserted into the magazine well and tightened by turning the handle on the bottom of the unit. The knurled texture helps lock it securely into the jaws of a vice. This is an excellent tool for cleaning, maintaining or modifying lower receiver components. It can even be used inverted for pistol grip removal and installation. The master bench block is a brilliant device slotted to accommodate the bolt, front sight, upper and lower receivers, as well as the charging handle. It’s the perfect third hand to brace a specific component. The bottom of the block contains pin storage and the perimeter is magnetized to capture pins once punched out.
The Real Avid kit also contains a pivot lock, designed to prop the upper receiver over the lower receiver. There’s the obligatory front sight adjuster, which contains both a four- and five-prong interface. A pivot pin tool automatically retains the spring and detent and acts as a “slave pin” for easy installation.
The Real Avid AR15 Armorer’s Master Kit comes with an instruction manual, as well as a full color, step-by-step photographic guide to performing the “top 18 mods” to any AR-15. For more information or to purchase, visit .
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