Five companies stabilizing the AR pistol.
August 27, 2021
By Guns & Ammo Staff
As reflected in the proposed rule , the ATF plans to reclassify millions of stabilizing brace-equipped pistols as subject to the NFA, triggering extensive paperwork requirements, taxes, long wait times, and transfer restrictions. Current owners of stabilizing brace-equipped pistols caught by ATF’s expanded NFA controls will need to register their firearm and pay the ATF $200 tax, turn the firearm into ATF, or take one of several other undesirable options.
SAF’s public comments explain the many problems with ATF’s proposed rule, which would unlawfully infringe on the Second Amendment rights of SAF members and other firearms owners.
ATF stated it will not consider any public comments submitted in response to its withdrawn December 18, 2020, rulemaking on arm braces, and so commenters to that prior rulemaking will need to submit new comments in connection with the most recent proposed rule.
Check here for some of SAF's suggested bullet points .
How to Submit Your Comments You can submit your comments to ATF via the Federal eRulemaking portal here on or before September 8, 2021. Your comment must reference docket number “ATF 2021R–08” Your comments should be original. ATF will not consider duplicate comments. See Commenter’s Checklist here if you want more information about commenting. Your comments should be professional in tone. ATF will not consider comments with profanity or other inappropriate content. Better comments describe how the proposed rule would impact the commenter. You can also mail written comments to:
Denise Brown, Mail Stop 6N– 518 Office of Regulatory Affairs Enforcement Programs and Services Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 99 New York Ave. NE Washington, DC 20226 ATTN: ATF 2021R-08
Mailed comments should be in 12-point font size (.17 inches) or larger, include the commenter’s first and last name and full mailing address, be signed, and may be of any length. ATF will treat comments postmarked on or before September 8, 2021, as timely.
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