January 25, 2018
By Lynn Burkhead
When Mossy Oak camo founder Toxey Haas created his classic camouflage, one of the world's most successful patterns was birthed with a handful of sticks, leaves, and dirt.
Years later, Haas and Mossy Oak still believe that the world's most effective camouflage patterns come from the natural world. Because of that, the Mississippi company's fishing pattern, Mossy Oak Elements, utilizes a core of earth, water, and wind.
As the official camouflage of the Bass Anglers Sportsman's Society and Major League Fishing, Mossy Oak Elements has taken the angling world by storm in recent months thanks in part to its unique look and also due to the all-star angling team that has been assembled to wear and promote the pattern.
On the floor of the 2018 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, two of the most recognizable faces in the outdoors industry, Ronnie "Cuz" Strickland of Mossy Oak and Kevin VanDam, four-time Bassmaster Classic champion and seven-time B.A.S.S. Angler of the Year, stopped by the OSG booth to talk camo, hunting, and fishing with Lynn Burkhead.
By the time the conversation was over, there was little doubt why Strickland and VanDam are known the world over by three simple letters, "Cuz" in Strickland's case, and KVD for VanDam.
Information: www.mossyoak.com; 662-494-8859; www.kevinvandam.com; www.majorleaguefishing.com
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